Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Something Wet in Underwear.?

ok at school today, something weird happened. when i was walking to class, I felt something really wet in my underwear. i already had my period this month so i was like "whats going on?" and i went to the bathroom earlier so i didnt pee in my pants. it didnt look like discharge cuz i ran into the bathroom and it looked like a huge spot of water and NOT whitish goo! what is it?! oh yea and it happened twice today!
The discharge from our vagina can be thin enough that it looks just like drops of water. This is normal to have vaginal discharge but if you are having a bunch of it come out pls also discuss this concern with your mom to see if she has any additional info that can be of help and also check with your dr whenever you have your next check up for even more info that can be of help.

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