Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sore lump in left breast?

Hello all,
Ive got a lump in the bottom area of my left breast, it feels sore, as if its bruised.
It is the time of the month for me, so im not overally concerned just yet.
I was just wondering if any one has had similar, wondering if its a blocked gland or a cyst.
(Got an appointment for wednesday with my GP)
Sounds cystic. Your GP may suggest waiting a month or coming back after your period to see if it has disappeared. These can go down on their own, you may be prone to them or he may suggest you be referred for further investigation. You're right not to worry too much though.
never take things for granted. Our environment is badly polluted. So does the air, water and food. you make a right decision to consult your GP.
Good luck.
I'd wait til your 'time of the month' is over and then see if it's still there. You've made the right decision by going to see your doctor straight away.
Good luck and I hope it proves to be nothing serious.
I had the same problem, after an ultra sound %26 needle biopsy it turned out to be harmless (fibroadenoma), but gets sore depending on my hormones. Is always best to get it checked out, but is more than likely to be harmless.
I always have really lumpy, painful breasts just before I come on. I came on today and had a lump in my right breast for a week. It always goes. If yours doesn't go after your period has finished then go to your GP.
Hi, lumps in the breasts are a cause of concern if they have not been hitherto felt in a routine breast self examination, moreso in this day and age of cancer awareness. This is not to scare you in the least. It might be nothing if a lump is usually present during your period and disappears right after. Thank God you're seeing your GP soon. I'll recommend you tell him about it just to be on the safe side. He will carry out a cphysical on you. Good luck!
Its sounds like a cyst to me i have had 3 of them at different times they were very sore
Your Dr will have a good idea i was sent for a mammogram then a scan and the doctor lanced them in the hospital it all took under 3 weeks
I'm sure they say if the Lump hurts its very unlikly to be Cancer or anything serious. (please dont hold me to that)
it could be mastitis ,i suffer from lumps every month and they are very painful,
i also have a lump that is there all the time which i had checked out and it is just gristle so i wouln't worry too much,
I always get what I perceive as lumps during that time of the month. Breasts are already tender, then when you find the lump you may be checking it constantly, thus making it feel bruised and sore after a while.
This is very important: it may well be nothing but you MUST be checked by a breast specialist. This is VITAL.

Even if your GP says it's nothing - and it might be nothing - only a specialist can do the proper tests to ensure that it's benign.

Insist on a referral to a breast specialist; if you can afford it, go privately so you will be seen more quickly. Take your mum or best friend or boyfriend with you for support if your GP is not sympathetic.

If you'd like the name of a few good specialists, email me and I'll give you several names. I'm not saying any of this to scare you, but a breast lump should always, always be checked out by a specialist, just in case - even though it might well be nothing, especially as it's your time of month.

But get it checked; better to be on the safe side.
The good thing about it being sore is that its unlikely to be anything serious so you don't need to be worried - i wouldn't think. Wait and see what your doc says, it could just be a blocked gland as you say I get them in my neck quite a lot...
Straight to the GP!
you have done the right thing by making an appoinmetn with your gp, it could be a fatty lump or blocked milk duct, lumps do not mean bad news all the time, 100% natural for you to panic but please try not to. Good luck, hope everything is ok!

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