Sunday, October 25, 2009

Side effects of glucophage?

Are leg cramps a possible side effect of Metformin/Gluchophage?
I am on Metformin/Glucophage. I have been getting 2-3 severe legs cramps per night around my ankles, and calfs so severe that I have to get out of bed and walk around. Could this be a side effect of the glucophage? I have been taking it for six weeks now. Anything that could help the cramps. My legs are still sore.
Hard to tell what is causing the leg pain, but this is the warning that is included with the Metformin:

Metformin may cause a severe and sometimes fatal condition called lactic acidosis. This condition has usually been reported in diabetic patients taking Metformin who also had significant kidney problems and multiple medical or surgical problems, and were taking other additional medicines. The risk of developing lactic acidosis may be increased in the elderly and in those who have serious kidney problems, congestive heart failure, low levels of oxygen in the blood, or poor circulation. You should not take Metformin if you have low levels of oxygen in the blood, if you are dehydrated, if you have a severe infection (eg, sepsis), or if you have liver problems. Your doctor should monitor you closely while you are taking Metformin , especially if you are elderly and have decreased kidney function. You should not begin taking Metformin if you are older than 80 years of age unless lab tests show that your kidney function is not decreased. Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol while using Metformin . Before you have any medical or surgical tests or procedures, tell the doctor that you are using Metformin .

Tell your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as general feeling of discomfort, muscle pain or tenderness, trouble breathing, increasing drowsiness, unusual stomach distress, feeling of being cold, dizziness, or slow or irregular heartbeat.

This does include muscle pain, so I would check with your doctor about it. The link this came from:

Good Luck!

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