Saturday, October 31, 2009

Skipping periods?

I take ortho tri-cyclen birth control pills and i was wondering how effective skipping your period is since there are different hormone levels being distrubuted each week as i understand it.
I'm going on a vacation next weekend and thats when i'm scheduled to get my period!! =(
i'm really needing to skip it.. can anyone tell me if i'll spot or what to expect. I understand that you take the pills backwards next month. right?

thank you!
I've also never heard of taking them backwards. I have (more than once)"postoned" my period by just continuing on with a new pack of pills. I don't recall ever having any spotting. There are new types of pills out nowadays that keep you from having a period for something like 3 months :)
i duno
Not sure about taking the pills backwards. When I have skipped one before, my doctor told me it was OK, I did not spot as long as I kept taking my pills on time everyday.

Have fun on vaca!
i used seanale bc and love it! i only got my period 4 times a year. i would just skip the white ones or whatever color they are(the Non hormone ones) and just start with your new pack. the only neg thing is you will run out of pills a week early and will your insurance pay for more pills a week early? go for is skip your monthy friend nothing will happen
what u would do is instead of taking the last week of this pack (your period week) go straight into your new pack. this does not always work.. you can have some spotting or you can have your period. ive never heard about taking them backwards?!?!?!
i tried this myself last spring break and got the worst breakthrough bleeding. It was worse then my actual period, not to mention sudden, i ruined some sheets to say the least. Payback was murder, i wish i just sucked it up!
It may be too soon to try doing any sort of "skipping pills".

Also, I tried that last August, and it took a few months to get my period back on track with my fourth week pills. I will NEVER do it again.

You could have breakthrough bleeding or your period even if you try skipping or "taking it backwards".

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