Saturday, October 31, 2009

Small boobs?

I have small boobs...should I flaunt them or try to enlarge them.and by the way is there any way to make them bigger naturally... (I was just thinking)..
Utilize what you have, flaunt them. You might want to purchase a wonderbra, cheaper and less hazardous then surgery. All those pills out there are just a scam and they do not work, so do not waste your money.
just flaunt them .
Just flaunt them. No need to make them bigger or they will end up sagging down to your navel as you age. If they are small, they will stay perky!
Just an FYI - MOST women have small boobs (average breast size for women worldwide is 36B). Large boobs became a fashion statement in the U.S. 1940's/1950's (remember the 'sweater girls?')

Make the most of what you've got and don't risk your health on surgery or pills.
I'm a member of the itty bitty titty club myself.
I wear underwire bra's with some padding.
It just helps them look fuller.
how old r u that ur worryin bout ur boobs
As a member of the naturally large boob club (D cup), please heed my advice and just flaunt what you have. Everytime i go shopping for cute shirts etc, they dont fit around the boobs, or i have to go up 1-2 sizes to accomodate them and then the shirts are baggy.

Flaunt what you have girl!
wear an underwire love small boobs.
anything bigger than a handful and you're risking a sprained thumb...
i say bigger is better 2 make you feel better i have big 1's
I love small boobs. Flaunt them. Show the world. Be loud and proud
just be proud of you ,small boobs are just great,be proud of who you are and what you got,if it aint broke don't fix it,your not broke,your just fine,be happy
Some of us guys love small boobs. You go and make them bigger, then what are we supposed to do?

If I can find them in the dark, they're big enough.
Be proud of your boobs. Flaunt them for all their worth.
The only natural way to make them bigger is weight gain and it's not a great idea. There are no magic pills, creams or charms.
So, be proud of your boobs.

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